I. Some others \'\'codes\'\' which i dont make myself i will put here.I remember in the time few years ago, i dreaming often between others things that reading ancient(???)very old and very fat books, full of unknown symbols,diagrams with unknown letters,tables with numbers,end others mystical signs.when weak up i was forgoten their meanings,and some details,but still was and there are into my eye of my mind... Other times was dreaming mystical and unknow to me writting systems. I have recorded all these and i plan to dedicate to them a page here in my website.These shall have the title: SATURNIIS X. Some of these is impossible without xhtml code or photo take place here.for these when i will used laptop,i believe could be showing here. After these dreams my inspiration and understanding for this art was high. Also till today sometimes with minds eye, still saw relative unknown shapes,tables,texts,etc But now by my will, try stop these \'\'seeings\'\'.I feel tired,to continue!!
II. I have choose the name \'\'SECRETUM PROTOCOLLO\'\' for obvius reasons!!!
III. I see myself like a painter,who shows his work,to visitors.Or like a non important code genarator.This art dont have die,is alive into some minds.Of course is secret,but is wonderful art.In this art the \'\'key\'\'isnt from mater,is from mind essense.A spacefic and unique mind-schema(thought-form)coresponded on the unique/special numbers sequences.Must love, the truth or knownledge deep, with passion to start. So i dont mostly, show that other websites shows,because these are more or less, already known.I choose show a challenge,and unknown ways,and my own work and study. As that did the artist who made the\'\'kryptos\'\'...etc..others in manuscripts.. even on or into paintings..
IV. Among practitioners of old school of cryptography was inveted many symbols,about notes upon codes and ciphers proccess. These below are some of them. These we must imagine like a \'\'html\'\'code of this ART.Very mystical,and powerful comfusion the voulgar attacks... 29-X(ARIMENOM AM) CL7Δ(OMUSESEN) 4FΘ(ANOMONEM) 4eλ(EFAMOQAM) Θ8LS(AXIMENEM EN) RNE+7(IVESIXAM USEM) ΩX1(ISAMENIM) etc... So with this secret mean,the practitioners was wrote,the instructions which are of course secrets. Follows examples below: (Jj4eλΩX1R9=) means first letter,from left above. (FV3EN+Γe+Z\\2) means something from right diagonical. NOTE. The \'\'( )\'\'signs isnt part of symbols that mention here. Its important if a symbol appear like this\'\'a\'\' or \'\'A\'\'because have differend quality,and meaning. These above are a MTL code or language 73. Example writting from manuscript.. (χε),(ρι),(α) [Fd],[Fd],[66i] explaining.. Fd always means,a combination of two. 66i always means a remaining single letter.. etc..
V. Should be understandable, the secrets is not for everyone of us.Its for few who are capable handle them. Understand and make wise use of them.Needs great psychical power and healthly mind.Also the secrets should be not explaining,if necesary!The power,of them is first,the reason to keeping in secrecy.One reason more their \'\'keys\'\'

The Soda Pop